We are extremely proud of two of our year 11 girls, Sadie and Romilly, who have been successful in securing virtual work experience with two very prestigious companies.
Romilly is carrying out her work experience with Airbus where she is meeting team members from some of the key teams within the business from space to civil aviation. She is learning about key elements of Airbus’ business including sustainability and manufacturing.
Last week Sadie completed work experience with BAE Systems where she was given a project to work on that has seen her designing a recruitment event for the company. Sadie has particularly benefitted from meeting previous apprentices who have supported her throughout the week.
Further virtual opportunities can be found on the following platforms:
Speakers for Schools https://www.speakersforschools.org/experience-2/vwex/
Springpod https://www.springpod.co.uk/virtual-work-experience-programmes/